Support Us
Honoring artists of the past, promoting artists of the present, encouraging artists of the future.
Your support makes a vital difference to us. We are a voluntary group and we could not do what we do without your generosity. Subscription fees help to fund the Italian Committee’s participation in the Women to Watch program and help to defray the charity’s administrative and management costs. We hope to meet you at one of our upcoming events.
Members of the Italian Committee are kindly asked to maintain active membership with the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, DC.
To become a member of the Italian Committee, please send your payment by bank wire to:
Italy Committee – NMWA
IBAN IT03 Q030 6909 6061 0000 0073 219
Friend: €35
Get to know us by supporting our mission
Receive invitations to events organized by the Italian Committee: presentations on art, guided tours of exhibitions, visits to artists’ studios, and evening receptions.
Priority and discounts on paid events or events with limited seating organized by the committee
Recognition on website for your donation
Patron: €150
Make a lasting impact
Receive invitations to events organized by the Italian Committee: presentations on art, guided tours of exhibitions, visits to artists’ studios, and evening receptions.
Priority and discounts on paid events or events with limited seating organized by the committee
Special access and help in planning visits to NMWA in Washington
Small Catalogue from the National Museum of Women in the Arts
Receive an invitation to the annual Italian Committee luncheon
Recognition as Patron on website
Donations of any amount help us fulfill our goals. Contact us to learn more.
We create custom corporate sponsorship packages. Please contact us to learn more about corporate sponsorships.
Miller Shah LLP
Fomas Group
Italian Embassy, Washington, DC
Studio Tornello Volpi e Associati
Jane Adams
Simona Camera
Barbara Canale
Anna Marchi Lago
Jane Oberwager
Claudia Pensotti Mosca
Cathy Rogers Giussani